Dependence test to determine allowance eligbility

The right to attendance allowance and its rate are determined in accordance with the extent of the claimant's dependence on the help of others in carrying out everyday activities – that is: mobility in the home, washing, dressing, eating and personal hygiene – as well as in accordance with the need for supervision in order to prevent danger to himself or others.  

The entitlement to the allowance and its rate are also examined in accordance with the need for help in the household, such as: preparing food, operating electric appliances, taking medicines, going shopping and making errands.


  • The examination relates to the limitations stemming from the medical impairment only, and not from other causes (such as cultural norms, habits, etc.)
  • The basis for determining entitlement was and remains the dependency of the claimant on the help of others in carrying out daily activities. A person who does not need help in these activities will not be eligible for the allowance.